Our Mission Statement:
“To Restore, preserve and provide for the perpetual care of the “Brick House”. To educate the public on the history of the house, in the Conjurer’s Neck Subdivision. To educate the public on the history and life of the area around the “Brick House”. To organize and develop sources of income for projects to support building and publicity efforts. To develop self-sustaining income sources.”
The OBH Foundation Board consists of voting Directors and Officers and Committee Chair Members.
Chuck Wilusz, Director
Kay Wynn, Director/Building Co-Chair
JoAn Jones, Director/Interior Co-Chair
Gray Collins, Director
Mike Foster, Director/Vice President
James Adams, Director/Ex-Officio
Mark Martin, Ex-Officio
Debbie Levenson Melvin, President/Fundraising
Blair Martin, Secretary
George Schanzenbacher, Treasurer/Building Co-Chair
Todd Long, Chair of Publicity Committee